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eBook: Getting Started with Intermodal

Download a Free Copy of Our eBook "Getting Started with Intermodal"

There are multiple factors and benefits to consider when thinking about converting to intermodal. Transits, pricing, and IMCs are just a few of those subjects. Our eBook "Getting Started with Intermodal" will give you the information you need to make the best decision when it comes to utilizing intermodal with your company. 

The use of 53’ domestic intermodal services continues to grow as part of an overall business and transportation strategy. The main focus of this eBook is to take a deeper look into the benefits of intermodal, along with the operational considerations shippers need to understand when executing it.

250 Pixel Final Cover - Getting Started with IntermodalTable of Contents

  • Overview
  • Transits: Truck Plus a Day
  • Pricing Expectations
  • Greater Security
  • IMCs

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