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Data-Driven: Trucking & Sleep Plus Market Analysis, Podcast Episode 11

June 20, 2023 Kevin Baxter

Podcast Episode 11

While we're all pretty familiar with how data can drive market analysis - within freight and outside the industry - there are other data applications in the transportation sector as well. DAT iQ Principal Analyst Dean Croke joins us on InTek Freight & Logistics: The Podcast to share both the market version of data analysis as well as his passion around using data to help optimize sleep patterns for truck drivers.

Dean discusses how he got into the industry starting on his childhood farm in Australia and what led him into trucking sleep analysis - as well as what he's found in terms of safety and productivity. We then turn our attention to the trucking and freight markets, as Dean discusses the indicators he turns to most and what they're saying about halfway through 2023. He explains where he sees the market today and when he expects the next cycle to begin. And we also address how strong and swift a bounceback could be.

Get more from Dean here and on the weekly DAT iQ live, available on DAT's YouTube channel.

You can also get a question to the DAT iQ team by emailing askiQ@dat.com.

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